摘要: | 我國目前正積極進行低放射性廢棄物處置設施的選址作業,原能會物管局作為管制機關必須要為未來最終處置安全做好把關工作。因此,本研究主要目的在提升國內低放最終處置審驗技術能力與協助管制機關建立合宜的審驗技術規範。台電公司為建立本土化之處置技術能力,以經濟部核定公告建議候選場址為研究對象,提出「低放射性廢棄物最終處置技術評估報告」,並經我國管制機關審查。爰此,本計畫就上述台電公司之評估報告有關場址地質特性、工程障壁系統功能、處置坑道結構穩定性、設計情節核種傳輸與設計情節生物圈劑量評估等影響處置安全之技術要項,提出「108年低放射性廢棄物處置安全評估驗證技術研究」,建立對應之安全驗證技術能力,協助管制單位強化處置安全評估審查能力,並提出低放處置安全分析報告審查規範建議。 ;Taiwan is currently in the process of selecting appropriate sites for low-level radioactive waste disposal. The Atomic Energy Council as a regulatory agency is responsible for reviewing and licensing the final disposal plans to reduce public concerns on the environmental safety of disposal facilities.. Therefore, the purpose of this project are to enhance our technical capacities on reviewing the final disposal plan and to support the development of review guidelines for the regulatory agency. In order to establish our domestic technologies for handling final disposal, the Taiwan Power Company proposed the “Technical Evaluation Report on the Final Disposal of Low-level Radioactive Wastes” for the proposed candidate site announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to be reviewed by the regulatory agency. Therefore, this project proposed to evaluate the report submitted by Taiwan Power Company by aiming on the site geological characteristics, function of the engineering barrier system, structural stability of the tunnel system, design scenarios of radionuclide transport, and design scenarios of the biosphere dose assessment, which are critical to the safety of final disposal. The title of our project is "Research on safety assessment and verification technology for low-level radioactive waste disposal". The expected outcomes are to conduct parallel evaluation on the related safety topics in the report prepared by the Taiwan Power Company, to enhance domestic technical capacities on reviewing the final disposal plan, and to recommend review guidelines for the low-level waste final disposal plan for the regulatory agency. |