多數的水文地質調查工作都是為了能夠清楚地描繪出含水層參數在空間上的分布特性,含水層抽水試驗為最直接獲得水文地質參數之方法,然傳統之水力試驗僅能求得單一或相對含水層特徵參數之平均值,並無法妥善解析平面空間上之參數分佈,水力剖面探測方法的提出有效提升空間資料取得的困境,可同時獲得每口井之流通係數值外,並可經由各口井間洩降關係求得儲蓄係數或比儲係數。水力剖面掃描法雖可有效解析出含水層特徵參數之空間分布狀態,但其試驗設計困難以及分析方法繁瑣且複雜,針對於具有需要短促工作期限需要馬上取得水文地質參數之相關工作,反而較難廣泛執行於實際應用層面。因此本研究提出熱追蹤劑法之概念,以地下水溫度作為監測指標參數,當藉由井內釋放人工熱源,由注熱點所釋放出之熱能即可視為「溶質」隨地下水傳輸,並遵守擴散(diffusion)、移流(advection)以及延散(dispersion)等傳輸機制,由熱作溶質於地下水中釋放可尋找地下水傳輸之優勢路徑,藉由注熱井及觀測井溫度梯度差異之變化定義地下水於含水層中之流向與流速,並建立數值反推估模式定義含水層特徵參數與溫度參數空間分布場。 ;The understanding of hydrogeological conditions and aquifer parameters (i.e. transmissivity and storage coefficient) at sites play an important role in groundwater resource management, engineering design, and aquifer remediation. This study aims to conduct assessment of aquifer heterogeneity using multiple hydraulic tests at the same well field, comparing the estimations by different data analysis methods, and then carrying out the insight into the use of hydraulic surveys at the field-scale site. Single well, multi-well, and cross-hole constant rate pumping tests are conducted at the well field. The well field has 19 installed wells, including five 4-inch wells that are considered to be the pumping wells. On the other hand, the heat carried by groundwater serves as a tracer to estimate the direction and velocity of groundwater flow in the site. By using heater to increasing temperature at different well to generated anomaly signal. These temperature anomalies are used to estimate thermal and hydraulic conductivity by inversion numerical model. The result of hydraulic tests will be use to compare with the result of heat tracer test. The results of this study could provide a more efficiently approach to obtain the spatial distribution of aquifer parameters. This could help the project management to have more information to come out a better decision under same budget.