本計畫將提出一種新型混合式發電機,可利用旋轉式機構設計,將外部旋轉所造成之磁場變化透過電磁效應轉換成電能。由於電磁式與磁電式都以磁場變化作為驅動源,混合式發電機制將可達到高輸出電壓與高功率密度之設計需求,且不會顯著增加元件體積。在電路設計方面,將開發低損耗的交直流轉換儲能電路與挑選低功率損耗之元件,以符合負載電路運作需求。藉由新的製程技術可改良既有的平面線圈,進一步製作出立體線圈,如此可縮減發電機之尺寸,提升其輸出能量密度,預期此發電機將可提供感測器之供電裝置使用。 ;We propose a new hybrid micro-generator for harvesting rotational energy. Based on Faraday's law of induction and magnetoelectric effect, electrical power can be induced by using the change of magnetic flux. For fabricating conducting coils, a 3D forming system will be used to build double layered conductive coils in the electromagnetic device. Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials will be used to fabricated the magnetoelectric device. By integrating both structures with rotation mechanism and magnets, the hybrid generator can supply efficient power for micro sensors.