台灣智慧建築發展至今已超過16年,但是申請通過案件未達500件,且近五年民間申請案量遠低於公共工程建案申請量。本研究透過建商專家及消費者問卷調查分析比較,期能完成消費者接受度對智慧建築認知差異化的研究初步探討。問卷發放期間自2019.11.15至2019.11.27日止,以網路問卷方式分別以專家組向各級產業專家以社群網路方式提送,有效回覆問卷為168位,及消費者組透過社群網路方式提送,有效回覆問卷為236位。在建商專家對於智慧建築標章的認知方面,雖然標章制度已推行16餘年,但是具有不動產商品定位決定權的經營管理人員在標章評估指標的認知程度較低,影響的是對於智慧標章推動的基本知識的不足。且僅有36%的專家受訪者認為消費者願意接受因智慧建築所增加的購屋費用,表示對於消費者購買信心不足或抱持著觀望的看法,這也妨礙建商在推動智慧建築標章的意願,由於建商對推動智慧建築商品的猶豫,市場上缺少相關的商品供消費者選擇,也造成消費者缺乏了解智慧建築不動產商品的因素之一;最終論文研究的結論,對比消費者對智慧建築的認知與接受度來看,發現有50%以上的消費者願意以增加不超過原房屋總價的5%金額,購入黃金級以下具備智慧建築標章的不動產商品,此一研究明顯發現建商與消費者在購入智慧建築意願上的認知差異。;The intelligent building label has been developed over a decade; however, the number of the total applications so far is less 500, extreme minority to the total construction projects in Taiwan. The study objective is to explore the perceptual difference for intelligent building label based on the customer viewpoint. The literature review suggests the establishment of two surveys based on expert and customer viewpoints. According to the principle of convenient sampling survey, the effective returns for expert and customer surveys are 168 and 236, respectively. The reliability results of Cronbach’s α for the surveys are at 0.937 (expert survey) and 0.566 (customer survey). The discussion derived from the comparison indicates that (1) customers do not clearly understand what intelligent building label to residential buildings represents; (2) customers accept price escalation less than 5% of the total price when their purchased buildings have intelligent building label; however, experts disagree it; (3) the most widely accepted levels for intelligent building label are sliver and golden; however, expects slightly disagree its popularity. The findings propose perceptual suggestions toward future development of intelligent building label for both scholars and practitioners.