此研究是探討在預售屋交屋作業流程中,找到一個合宜的驗屋作業區間,可讓建商與消費者在此區間內完成初驗、缺失修繕及複驗,讓消費者可以了解屋內狀況,而讓後續的撥款及交屋作業順利。若驗屋作業時見過早,尚未送水送電而無法正常檢測,或銀行審核不准則會造成時間浪費,然太晚驗屋會造成修繕及複驗時間不足。 由文獻回顧中整理出三大方面,預售屋優缺點、預售屋的糾紛、及驗屋方面共六個問題。再經由專家訪談中的10位專家建議及意見,從專家訪談分析中得到了一般預售屋交屋作業流程需45 工作天,而在交屋作業流程中專家建議的合適驗屋作業及修繕作業區間為使用執照取得後30天至撥款前,約13工作天。 ;Presale housing has unique features that constrain housing transfer such as infeasibility for inspections due to utility unavailability when early transfer is required, inadequate inspection time, and financial burden as late transfer occurs. The objective of the study is to determine adequate timing for presale housing transfer based on literature review and empirical expertise. With the exploration of literature review, six questions for expert interviews were established, targeting 10 practitioners with over 10 years related experience. As a result, 10 experts with over 20 working experience in average were conveniently selected, summarizing the following findings: the total duration required from license acquisition to transfer completion is around 45 workdays. During these days, the adequate timing for presale housing transfer can be set to between 30 workdays after license acquisition and 13 workdays before financial appropriation.