外牆磁磚鋪貼有場地的限制,以及一定的施工順序,無法像一般的鋼筋工程或模板工程可安排大量的工班,同時全面展開施工。成本與工期為該工程的重點,工班安排不足會延遲工期,工班安排過多則會浪費成本。目前業界大多以人工排班方式處理,排班效率曠日費時,重疊排班或漏排的情形也時有所聞,在成本的方面徒增資源的浪費。因此,如何有效的管理工班,以最小的成本在限定的工期內完工,是很多管理者相當關心的議題。範例則以桃園市某社會住宅外牆二丁掛磁磚施工為參考背景,運用其部分數據作為範例測試,最佳化指派分析結果與人工指派相比,最小成本有明顯的差異,排班運算的時間更是大幅縮短。故本研究模式可做為外牆裝修施工規畫與成本管控的重要參考依據。;There are site restrictions and a certain construction sequence for tiles paving on the external wall, causing that a large number of work shifts cannot be arranged just as the general steel works or formwork for comprehensive construction at the same time. Cost and construction period are the key points of the project. Insufficient work shift scheduling will delay the construction period while too many of those will waste the cost. At present, the way of manual shift scheduling is mostly handled in the industry; however, the situation of inefficient, time-consuming or missing shift scheduling is also heard from time to time, which just increase the waste of resources on the cost. Therefore, how to manage the shift effectively and complete within time limit at the minimum cost is an issue that many managers are quite concerned about.