摘要: | 摘 要 中國藝術精深博大,就其境界而言,先政教藝術而後宗教藝術,再至超越藝術。 游雲山(曉雲法師之俗名)先研究藝術,後鑽研佛法,藝術表現內容富贍而多元,自幼飽讀詩書,深受傳統文化薰陶;同時,熱愛繪畫藝術,曾師事嶺南畫派高劍父宗師,由於藝壇表現出類拔萃,故有「嶺南女畫傑」之美稱。 抗戰期間隻身遊歷中國西南、走訪名山大川,以養浩然之氣;再者,為獻身教育、藝術、文化而作環宇周行,跡歷亞、歐、美二十餘國,所到之處皆舉辦畫展、藝術講座,藉以宣揚中國文化、藝術;同時考察知名大學、美術館、博物館及繪畫院;訪問佛教團體及學術界、文化界人士或藝術家,誠所謂「讀萬卷書、行萬里路」,其繪畫藝術的成就,一方面是從學習經驗與修養工夫得來,另一方面是由於多聞廣見表現,她漫遊歸來後的作品比十年前的顯然有極大的進步。 《原泉雜誌》登載其繪畫創作,從中可以窺見其精湛藝術造詣,以及爐火純青之繪畫技巧;同時,畫作背後所蘊含的禪思與人生哲理,更能賦予悲智生命無限啟發,此乃經年累月的探索與突破,而非一蹴可及的功夫,故藉由畫作深層研究,探索作者所要傳達的人生哲學、佛學思想、藝術意境與自由解脫訊息。 ;Abstract Chinese art is extensive and profound , as far as the artistic stage is concerned , the trasition is from political art then religious art , finally beyond art. Yau Wan Shan (Ven. Hiu Wan’s lay name ) had been studied art before devoted into Buddhism , In her artistic expression shows richness and diversity , she was well-educated in poetry and cultivated by traditional culture in her childhood , as a result of her love of painting and took lessons from Kao Chien Fu founder of the Ling-Nan school of painting , because of the outstanding performance , she was regarded as the most famous female artist of the Ling-Nan school . Yau Wan Shan traveled alone to many famous places in southwest of China during the war of resistance to Janpan;otherwise, for devoting herself to education、art、culture , she traveled all over around the world , as well as toured Asia、America and Europe over twenty counties , also exhibited her paintings and gave letures to promote Chinese culture and art , at the same time , visited well-known universities、art galleries、museum and art institute , also visited Buddhist groups、academia and cultural personage or artists , in the so-called Chinese proverb:“It seems to have read ten thusand books when one travelled then thousand miles” , her outstanding achievements in painting is from experience and artist′s training effort. Because of widely listening and reading , after returning from traveling abroad her works provided the extremely rich energy and vitality. The Yuan Quan Published her painting masterpieces , from which we can see her artistic accomplishment and the skill of painting in works that also reflected the profunded Chan thoughts and life philosophy , meanwile , give infinite inspiration of the life of compassion and wisdom , it′s been years of exploration and then breakthrough. therefore , by getting more in-depth study of the paintings to explore the messages of life philosophy、Buddhist thought、artistic conception and liberation that the author tried to deliver. |