摘要: | 電離層閃爍儀(Ionospheric Scintillation Packet, ISP)為多功能型混合式探空火箭上的任務酬載,其內包含兩台小型電離層探測儀(Compact Ionospheric Probe, CIP)、一台姿態量測儀(Asperctmeter, ASM)、兩組追星儀(Star Tracker, STR)、數位控制單元(Digital Control Unit, DCU)、電源管理單元(Power Management Unit, PMU)。ISP主要任務目的為量測台灣上空電離層E層的電漿不規則體(Plasma Density Irregularities)的結構、強化地面同調散射雷達(Coherent Scatter Rader)與數位電離層測高儀(Digisonde)對電漿密度不規則體的識別能力,並以此作為CIP、ASM的功能驗證平台,獲取未來自行研發STR的影像資訊。過去在撰寫數位控制單元上,使用Component-Level Intellectual Property設定,來簡化RS-422通訊介面的程式。此方法雖在撰寫程式上節省不少內容,卻因ISP需同時獲得多項儀器資料且須重整處理後再行傳出,導致資料無法即時輸出。為解決根本問題,本論文重新定義資料格式並改寫DCU的控制程式,使所有儀器的量測資料都能正確且即時回傳。將各儀器的通訊程式由微控器重新改寫在FPGA,並且僅下載所需的驅動程式,以有效管理FPGA記憶體使用量。同時在ASM與STR程式的驗證與參數校正上,執行量測實驗並分析結果,並與ISP即將搭載之火箭端進行聯合測試,以確保ISP各功能完備,為順利執行飛行任務做好準備。;Ionospheric Scintillation Packet (ISP), which is installed on the multi-functional hybrid rocket.ISP has many sub-systems, includes Compact Ionospheric Probe (CIP), Aspectmeter (ASM), Star Tracker (STR), Digital Control Unit (DCU), and Power Management Unit (PMU). The two main tasks of the ISP are to measure the structure of plasma density irregularities in the E region over Taiwan, and to enhance the capability of identifying plasma irregularities of the Coherent Scatter Rader and the Digisonde. ISP is also a medium of functional verification of CIP, ASM, and capability of altitude determination of self-developed STR. In order to simplify the code of RS-422 communication and reduce the usage of memory, we used to import Component-Level Intellectual Property into LabVIEW FPGA. But using such the way on ISP let some data lost because ISP needs to receive and transmit with different targets at the same time. And it also needs to rebuild data into packet immediately. So as to have completely measured data and manage the usage of memory effectively, we only pick the driver we need as DCU initializes and re-program the code of RS-422 communication in FPGA. Besides,we have verified the code and calibrated the data by measuring and analyzing the results. We also have done the common test with the rocket to make sure the communication and structure interface can match. |