本論文主要在於改善DVB-T及W-CDMA於UMPC上的天線空間效率,本文提出利用雙工器與一多頻共振天線,將DVB-T與W-CDMA兩大系統之兩天線整合為雙工單一天線的作法,此做法至少可於UMPC的天線空間上省掉W-CDMA或DVB-T兩系統之天線的其中一支天線空間且節省一支天線之成本,以位於UMPC 螢幕上方的W-CDMA天線為例,它的天線空間約須65x6.5x4mm以上,因此利用本論文之方案,將可為訴求輕巧及低價的UMPC帶來更有效的空間利用及成本下降。 The major topic of the thesis is advancing a novel method to combine the DVB-T and W-CDMA antennas system for reducing the space in UMPC (ultra mobile personal computer). Using a high frequency diplexer and a muti-band resonance antenna, it can integrate the DVB-T and W-CDMA system antennas into one antenna with little extra components. That is, the method save one of the DVB-T and W-CDMA system antenna and gain the benefit to drop the cost and the space in UMPC. For example, a W-CDMA antenna space is65x6.5x4mm and place on the top of the monitor of the UMPC. It is a half of the volume which uses two antennas system. Therefore, the goodness of the method provided by the thesis can increase the spaces utility rate of the space and down its cost.