電磁誘發透明(Electromagnetically induce transparency, EIT)為光與原子的相互干涉,可視為光跟原子之間的交互作用,並使物質擁有非線性的光學性質,導致慢光現象。而Rydberg態的原子會與其他同樣處於Rydberg態的原子產生偶極-偶極交互作用,導致系統能階產生變化,可視為原子與原子間的交互作用。將兩種機制結合在一起,希望可以達到調控光子與光子間的交互作用,對於研究量子閘及量子資訊等領域有所幫助。在Rydberg EIT的脈衝實驗上看到隨著Probe光越強,偶極交互作用越強烈,EIT穿透率越差,同時還觀測到穿透率在時間上為不對稱的分布形式,出口端的穿透率在時間上的峰值比入口端入射脈衝的峰值更早出現,對於一般EIT來說延遲時間為負值是相當不尋常的現象。因此,我們希望透過模擬Rydberg EIT的傳播,試著了解其中的機制為何。 我們發現若要模擬結果與實驗現象貼近需要考慮以下兩點 1. 考慮光在橫方向上的分布,以更精確估算Rydberg原子造成的偶極效應。 2. 考慮Rydberg原子累積的機制,使出口端的穿透率出現不對稱的分布。;Electromagnetically induce transparency(EIT) make the material become optically nonlinear and let the group velocity to be slower, even stop the light, which can be understood by using the coherence between light and atoms. Rydberg state atom can take as a dipole, a group of Rydberg atoms causes the dipole-dipole interaction to shift the energy level, offer one way to make the communication between atom-atom. Combine these two properties can be useful in the research of quantum information and the quantum gate. The experience showed that the transmission became lower when the probe intensity went higher, also the output signal was observed to have the asymmetry on time, the peak of output signal came out earlier than the input one. In our simulation result, we find there are two points need to consider i. Transverse distribution of probe and couple field need to be consider, or we may miss out the density of Rydberg atoms. ii. The accumulation of Rydberg atoms takes an important part to get the asymmetry figure of the output signal.