本論文研究希格斯粒子衰變至Z玻色子及光子之衰變頻道,其中Z玻色子 衰變至雙輕子,雙輕子在此為電子對與渺子對。本分析使用數據為大型強子對 撞機之質子-質子對撞於中心質量13兆電子伏特收集於緊湊渺子線圈偵測器,對 應光亮度為137fb-1。本分析使用動力學重整(kinematic refit)、終態光子復原 (final state radition photon recovery)及多變量分析 (MultiVariate Analysis)改善 分析靈敏度,這些方法相較於以篩選條件為主的分析改善了24%的靈敏度。預 測觀測上限在95%信心水準下,可得到1.7倍標準模型觀測值對應於顯著水準1.4 個標準差。;This thesis describes the Higgs decays to dilepton plus one photon with dilepton from the Z pole. This analysis is performed using a dataset recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC from proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 13TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1. This analysis inte- grated the kinematic refit, final state photon radiation recovery ,and multivariate analysis(MVA) methods to boost the sensitivity. These techniques bring a 24% improvement compare to the cutbased analysis. Limits are set on the cross-section of a standard model Higgs boson for 125GeV at 95% confidence level is about 1.7 times the standard model prediction for the expected results with the p-value corresponding 1.4σ.