本篇論文旨在量化在未來環形正負電子對撞機(CEPC)上噴流重建表現,一致且高精準度的噴流重建表現將可以在多重噴流末態事例裡,為物理特性的測量提供一個穩固的支撐。噴流事例的重建倚賴於噴流簇團演算法;我們在兩噴流事例,在使用thrust-based演算法後觀察到相較於ee-kt演算法有20%的噴流能量、角度解析度的提升。經過完整的模擬,環形正負電子對撞機上的的微分噴流能量與角度解析度已從91.18和240億電子伏特(GeV)正負電子對撞能量下的所有基準二、四噴流事例中汲取出來。通常來說,相對能量/角度解析度在桶部 (barrel) (|cos??|<0.7)落在大約3-5.5% / 1-2%;對於所有基準二、四噴流事例,這兩個解析度對於角度的依賴都被控制在±1%之間。如果將環形正負電子對撞機上噴流能量解析度與大強子對撞機(LHC)做比較,在重疊的能量區間內(10 < Ej < 30 GeV)的環形正負電子對撞機上噴流能量解析度比大強子對撞機上之偵測器好近5倍之多。根據這些與微分能量、角度、風味依賴的噴流能量相對偏差對於重波色子衰變到噴流末態的質量校正可以達到10萬電子伏特(MeV)精準等級。
;We present the jet reconstruction performances at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) in this thesis. Consistency of high precision jet responses will provide a concrete support for the physical measurements in multi-jet final- states. The jet responses depend on the jet clustering algorithm, we observed an improvement of 20% of jet energy and angular resolutions with respect to baseline jet clustering algorithm, ee-kt, by using the thrust based algorithm on 2-jet event. The differential jet energy and angular resolutions of the CEPC base- line detector are extracted from benchmark 2/4-jet processes at 91.18 and 240 GeV using fully simulated data. Typically, relative energy/angular resolutions at the barrel region (|cosθ| < 0.7) are 3-5.5%/1-2%, the geometry dependences of both jet reconstructed energy/angular scale are controlled within ±1%, for both 2- and 4-jet events. If compared to the experiments at the LHC, the CPEC base- line detector would have up to 5 times better jet reconstruction resolution in the 10 < Ej < 30 GeV. Base on differential jet angluar, energy, and flavor to apply jet differential energy correction, the uncertainty of the massive boson masses could be calibrated down to 10 MeV precision level.