隨著無線網路的蓬勃發展,在有限的頻譜資源裡,如何分配這些頻譜資源是現在無線通訊系統的關鍵問題。所以在這裡討論的議題是在感知網路系統裡利用正交分頻多工存取(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access, OFDMA) 技術做無線資源的指配。在符合受權使用者的干擾溫度限制情況所以在多個感知使用者的感知網路裡,調整分配的頻率、功率大小和使用者傳輸率滿足使用者要需求,且符合受權使用者的干擾溫度限制條件。此外現在的通訊系統中將是以多訊務類別為主,對於不同型的訊務其所要求的QoS服務品質亦不相同。因此在我的OFDMA感知網路系統架裡,通道品質和服務品質保證也是最主要考量的因素。而這樣的資源指配問題是個非線性最佳化問題,所以我們利用演算法的方式來解決這問題。而透過無線資源分配演算法的模擬結果,得到一組最佳解,並且在使用者延遲時間能符合其訊務要求情況下,讓系統的傳輸量是最佳的。 With the rapid growth of wireless network, to efficient utilization of radio resource in the limitation of spectrum is the key question of wireless communication system. The problem of wireless resource management in broadband cognitive OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access) is addressed. The objective of resource management is to satisfy the multiple cognitive users’ demands by jointly adjusting their rate, frequency and power resource, under the constraints of multiple primary users’ interference temperature. In addition, the communication system will support various traffic services. Each traffic service needs different levels of QoS. Therefore, channel condition, QoS guarantee are also the main considerations in our cognitive OFDMA system. The problem is formulated as a single objective nonlinear optimization problem using techniques from goal algorithm. The paper proposes the distributed resource algorithm and simulation results are obtained in order to verify the delay guarantee for different traffic types and the near optimal transmission rates.