在許多數理應用領域之中,時常會使用數學符號對應特定事物去組成公式,以表達特定的計算關係。 並且,公式中變數間所對應的關係並不會更動。 再加上使用公式計算的時候,其結果可能會被接著帶入其他公式,進而去計算另外的變數數值。 而這種兩公式之間擁有一對互相影響的變數的情況,是本篇論文要探討的使用情境, 因此,本篇提出 System of Equations(SoEs)架構。
評估之後,該架構的確能在抽象性上,以行數較少、較容易替換公式與變數型態等特性,去證明 SoEs 架構能有效降低使用者建構公式間關聯情境的成本。並且在結尾提出該架構在未來可能的發展。;In many mathematical fields, symbols are usually used to represent specific physical quantities. Equations are composed by symbols, and the relation between symbols will not be changed. We consider a scenario that two equations have a relation in between. It would make a variable computed by one equation could then be recomputed by a different equation to get the final result. We propose the structure of System of Equations (SoEs) which contains two Equations and a pair of related variables.
SoEs abstracts the relation between each variable in equation and makes the actual values be managed by a Relation structure. It also provides several methods that user might need. After user updates a variable, SoEs would automatically propagate the changes in the scenario. Without knowing the detail of the actual behavior, user could use SoEs to maintain the balance of every relation. We showed that SoEs structure is easy for user to construct scenarios by an evaluation on abstraction of our work and reduced lines of code.