在過去,學生總是由老師出題目給學生“考試”,且這是一種行之多年的評量方式,也是老師慣常使用的複習方法與教學過程,目的是為了檢核學生學習狀況,作為改進教學的依據。然而“透過學生出題”來達到學習目的這方面的研究卻很少,而學生出題可以讓他們經歷創意、澄清及反思的歷程以進行較高層次的思考,並且在擬題的過程可以有讓學生獲得問問題的訓練。這篇論文主要描述一個支援學生出題、評題的系統,透過這個系統,學生可以在其中進行出題的學習活動,並且產生的題目再透過一個同儕評題的機制,讓學生從中練習評估他人的作品,透過彼此的回饋,幫助學生更了解一個觀念。倘若這樣的歷程在傳統課堂上來實行的話,勢必會浪費大量資源、且需要花較長的時間才能夠完成整個出題、評題的流程,透過出題互評系統的支援可以消除以上的障礙,讓學生進行學習活動,且老師也可以得到一個學生的題庫,並且從中得到資訊以診斷學生的學習狀況,幫助其在教學上的應用。 Traditionally, teachers are always playing the role of examiners, and students always examinees to take the examination of which questions are designed by teachers. This is the common approach for teachers to evaluate the ability of their students and help their students to review what they have learned. However, “To have students themselves design questions” is rarely surveyed in education. In fact, having students design their own questions can make them retrospect and clarify their knowledge learned before, which is a meaningful learning process. And by doing this, student can acquire the benefits of posing questions which are discussed in many researches. This thesis describes a system to support the students to design their own questions and a peer-review procedure is applied to the student-designed items for filtering bad items after the items are collected. Thus the ratio of correct items is enhanced. During the peer-review procedure, the authors of questions might get feedbacks from the other reviewers, which could deepen their understanding on both sides. If these activities were realized in real world, it would be a resource- and time-consuming process.