目前網際網路架構使用盡力式服務(best effort service)來處理所有的應用,然而隨著網際網路的快速擴張及應用普及,一些新的網際網路應用像是視訊會議、隨選視訊等應用需要網路能提供即時性服務。盡力式服務無法提供即時性以及頻寬保證。為了滿足這些應用的需求,網際網路的架構必須有所改變才能提供服務品質,目前有兩種服務品質的架構─整合性服務(Integrated Services)架構和差異性服務(DiffSerentiated Services)架構。 資源預約(Resource ReSerVation Protocol: RSVP)協定,是整合性服務中的主流標準。它屬於訊號式機制,利用訊號去預先保留一些資源,如頻寬、緩衝區等。這協定是提供保證每一個資料流的服務品質。而差異性服務是把數個資料流對應到一個服務類別,提供定性式服務。 資源預約協定是利用信號機制去預約發送端和接收端之間的網路資源。假若在路徑上有一個網路元件(路由器),沒有足夠資源可以預約,則資源預約協定的設定就會失敗。在大網路下,資源預約協定就必須經過較多的網路元件,因此資源預約協定的設定成功機率就會降低。為了得到較高的設定成功機率,我們使用簇集(cluster)的架構。在這架構中,多條路徑及差異性服務的優先權將會拿來動態的組成差異性服務網路。 另外,隨著無線網路通訊愈來愈普遍,提供服務品質保證給無線端使用者的需求也日漸成長。但整合性服務和差異性服務是被設計給有線網路上使用的,原封不改的拿到無線的環境上使用是不適合的。我們結合可動式資源預約協定(MRSVP)和允許控制(CAC)去保證無線網路上的服務品質。 The current Internet architecture offers the typical best-effort delivery service. This best attempt approach will not be suitable for new classes of applications, like video on demand, requiring Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee. For carrying out of corresponding QoS requirements for the individual multimedia connections, there are two distinct QoS service modes proposed for the new generation internet — the Integrated services (IntServ) model and the Differentiated services (DiffServ) model. Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is classified as one of IntServ model. RSVP is a signaling mechanism to carry the QoS parameters from the sender to the receiver and make resource reservations along the path. It provides per-flow reservation. On the other hand, DiffServ model maps multiple flows to a service level, and provides qualitative QoS guarantees. Since RSVP uses signaling mechanism to make resource reservations along the path, setup failure will occur once there is one element on the path, having insufficient network resource. For getting higher successful setup probability, we propose to use cluster infrastructure, in which multi-path routes and the priority character of DiffServ model will be adopted to compose DiffServ network dynamically. As wireless communications become popular, there is a growing demand on supporting QoS services in Internet with mobile host. It is important that the mobile environment in the near future provides QoS guarantees. Both RSVP and DiffServ are designed to work for wired networks, not inadequate in mobile networks. We propose to use MRSVP and CAC (connection admission control) to enforce QoS guarantees in Mobile networks.