本研究主要以模擬方法分析迴轉式壓縮機的殼內聲場,並與壓縮機殼內以及殼外量測數據的結果比對,再進行模型修正以使二結果更吻合。論文研究中使用有限元素法軟體ANSYS Acoustic ACTxR15.0進行聲場模擬,壓縮機的殼內聲場模擬空間由消音罩閥片入口處至壓縮機吐出口,以計算殼內聲壓,不考慮聲壓與壓縮機殼之耦合效應。為了更精準模擬壓縮機聲場中的不同邊界條件,文中透過材料聲學特性量測實驗,量測馬達內銅線線圈的阻抗值,以代入聲場模型中。模擬過程中亦討論了冷媒黏滯性與馬達線圈阻抗對殼內聲場的影響。最後將迴轉式壓縮機殼內聲場的模擬結果與公司端進行的實驗比對,探討殼內聲場與殼內/外量測噪音之關聯。 本研究之成果為以下數個項目,建立壓縮機殼內聲場模型及選擇參數,壓縮機殼內聲場模擬,壓縮機殼結構模態分析,模擬結果與量測實驗結果比對,聲學阻抗管實驗及銅線線圈聲學阻抗量測。 ;This research mainly studied the inner sound field of a rotary compressor. The FEM software ANSYS Acoustic ACTxR15.0 was used to simulate the sound field with the domain from the inlet of the muffler valve to the outlet of the compressor. The modal analysis of the structure of the compressor was also conducted by using ANSYS; but the coupling between the sound field and the structure was not considered. The simulated results and the measurement results were then compared. Numerical model of the acoustics and vibration of the compressor was modified according to the measurement results.