本研究利用有限元素分析方法,模擬與評估剛性鋪面版塊角隅、邊緣破損部分深度維修的成效,考量的因素包括不同維修區域的形狀、尺寸和深淺,不同性質的維修材料,與車輪和溫度的荷載條件,針對混凝土斷面及維修材料內部的應力數值與應力分佈趨勢,進行比較探討並作為評估的依據。 研究中發現在維修角隅破損時,若考量車輪荷載,增加方形斷面的深度,可以增加混凝土斷面之穩定性,三角形與弧形斷面僅適用在小尺寸的維修;若考量溫度荷載,則不宜採用較大之維修尺寸。在邊緣破損維修時,不論考量車輪或溫度荷載,均應避免長度過長,或寬度過寬的維修範圍,且不建議刻意加深維修深度。角隅與邊緣破損維修的分析結果顯示,單版模型與九版模型的應力趨勢相同,且單版模型的結果傾向於保守面,故建議採用單版模型即可掌握趨勢。使用彈性模數較混凝土低且相近的維修材料,相較於其他材料可產生較低的應力值;波松比僅對小尺寸之角隅破損維修有些許影響;邊緣破損方面,建議增加斷面深度,或選擇彈性模數較高、柏松比較低的維修材料,以增加維修斷面的穩定性。 The purposes of this research are to analyze the effects of repairing materials, size, depth and shape of the area on the partial depth repair for corner and side damages on concrete pavement by finite element method. A single-slab model and a nine-slab model were established in this study. The efficiency of repairing works were evaluated in consideration of wheel and thermal loads. Results showed that the increase in the depth of square repairing area for corner damages could increase the stability of the interface on concrete under wheel load. Triangular and spherical shaped repairing areas were recommended for small repairing zone. In consideration of thermal loading, the increase of repairing area tended to increase the stress generated on the interface between the repairing material and concrete. In repairing of side damage on concrete slab, the increase of the length and width of repairing area should be avoided. The properties, including modulus of elasticity, poison ratio, and coefficient of thermal expansion, of repairing materials should be closed to the original concrete. The results obtained from the single-slab were more conservative than the results from the nine-slab model. Therefore, the single-slab model could be reasonable used in simplified analysis for studying the tendency of repairing works.