依據臺灣地區「建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊」規範,室內避難疏散所需時間,是取決於人員密度及有效出口寬度。但值得討論的是,當有效出口寬度固定時,僅有一個變數會對人員疏散產生影響。本研究目的在於確定影響室內疏散時間的所有可能變數,然後重新檢視「建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊」所載的疏散時間參考公式,確認是否有需要調整或修正之處。 透過文獻回顧得知,可能影響室內疏散時間的變數共有五項,分別為:室內人數、室內原始面積、室內可活動面積、室內走道數量及人員性別。因此,為確認前述五項變數影響學習場域室內疏散時間之假設正確,本研究運用多元迴歸法進行逐步驗證。 研究中所進行的疏散實況演練,是根據臺灣地區正規學制校園內,八種普遍常見的室內學習場域而設計。在2019年間,累計約有7,300名學生(人次)參與演練,並獲得290次(組)的演練觀測紀錄。 多元迴歸分析結果顯示,學習場域室內疏散時間會受到室內人數、室內可活動面積及人員性別等三項變數影響。而將本研究成果與前述手冊所載疏散時間參考公式進行比較後發現,當室內人員密度較低時,現行估算公式會低估疏散所需時間(高估疏散速率),這個問題可能會導致人員傷亡。 ;Disaster prevention evacuation has been discussed and regulated, determining the evacuation time by population density and effective exist width according to “Technical manual for evacuation of buildings in Taiwan”. It is debatable that only one variable influences evacuation if effective exist width is fixed. The objectives of the study are to establish all possible variables that influence evacuation time and then to re-review the equation regulated by the technical manual that may need to be adjusted. A comprehensive literature review bring us an exploration to acquire 5 variables possibly influencing evacuation time – quantity of people, indoor total area, indoor effective area, aisle number, and gender. Accordingly, a multiple regression function was assumed to examine if these 5 variables influence evacuation time for indoor learning fields. Experiments were designed based on 8 mainstream types of indoor learning fields in regular Taiwan schools, acquired 290 observations with approximately 7,300 students involved, and lasted for an entire year of 2019. The findings show that the evacuation time is affected by the variables of quantity of people, indoor effective area, and gender. The result comparison suggests that the current equation for evacuation time calculation significantly overestimates evacuation time when people density is low, which may cause lethal problems.