細數這幾十年來,因為科技發展及經濟進步,我們經歷了數次的產業革命,從1970年代推動重化工業升級,讓台灣從農業社會轉型為工業社會;1980年代經歷了十大建設並推動經濟自由化,轉型為技術密集產業;再到了1990年代開始發展資訊產業,搖身一變成為世界上重要的高科技零組件輸出國。2020年的今天,台灣依然是國際上高科技產業的重要生產國。但也因為一直以來線性經濟的發展模式,導致氣候變遷、原物料逐漸短缺,國際間興起一股永續發展的熱潮,這也被視為下一個產業轉型的重要方向。 在2016年蔡英文政府宣示政府要有系統地推動經濟結構轉型的「5+2」產業創新計畫,有決心在這經濟發展的關鍵時刻,提升在國際的創新能量與競爭力。而其中營建產業對於資源消耗最大,故資源有效使用及再利用的循環經濟中,更是被視為重要發展項目。 本研究透過營建產業以循環經濟模式在公共工程上執行的現況做探討,除綜觀國內外目前執行的現況,並透過質性分析的半結構式訪談數位專家學者,欲探討台灣在下一步深化執行的可能性。期能提供政府、各產業及學界推行或導入循環經濟模式時,作為評估發展方向之參考依據。 ;A circular economy pertains to closed loops of economy in which raw mate-rials, components and products lose their value as little as possible; and equally important, renewable energy sources are used. The core of the circular economy requires a systems-thinking process. Taiwan is now at the crossroad of conven-tional economy path and a circular economy path. The conventional path has deep roots from agriculture-oriented economy, to rudiment industrialization, mass-production industrialization, and high-tech industrialization. Currently Taiwan relies heavily on exporting high-tech products to sustain a high-ranking economy in the world. The question now is whether the current success is sus-tainable. This study will ruminate the possible efforts as well as measures which may be taken based on the「5+2」 new industrialization plan vowed by President Chai in 2016. In this plan, the construction industry takes the center stage, as it con-sumes a vast volume of energy and produces massive industrial wastes. The focal point of this study is to examine what are the means to effective use construction materials, from the angle of planning, design and construction. This work conducts a series of interviews with design professionals, scholars and experts of relevant fields to explore the feasibility and a solid procedure for a circular economy to take root in this industry. The outcome of the structured in-terviews includes useful in-depth concepts which may be adopted for construc-tion professionals in their professional sphere.