練習對於學習解題而言是不可或缺的,而以遊戲的方式學習則有增進學生學習動機的好處。本研究的目的在提供教師練習題的編輯環境,以及多種不同的解題練習遊戲活動,來滿足不同學生的學習需求。論文中並探討幾種不同遊戲的適用情形。教師在依據我們所提供的解題練習著作工具編輯好題目之後,就可以指定學生以不同的遊戲做解題練習。如此教師不但不需要自行設計遊戲,並且擁有多個遊戲來支援不同學生的學習需求。 Doing exercises is critical part of learning problem-solving skills while learning through gaming could motivate students. The goal of this research is to provide teachers with an editing tool of problem-solving exercises and serial problem-solving exercise games so as to satisfy learning needs of students. Teachers do not need to design these games, and the appropriateness of these games for different students is discussed. After creating new exercises with our editing tool, students do exercise in teacher-assigned games.