岩石邊坡之變形、運動、破壞機制以及堆積狀況受岩坡尺度之影響,邊坡尺寸愈大,坡體之變形區以及崩滑量體亦隨之增加,造成的災害亦更加嚴重。由於不同類型岩坡之變形區或潛在破壞區受岩坡尺寸控制,為提升岩坡整治效益,本計畫依岩坡變形特性以及其破壞機制,探討各類型整治工法或策略之適用性,對於台灣岩石邊坡破壞造成之可能災害,達到災前預防之目標。本研究首先針對順向坡、逆向坡以及楔形岩坡變形及破壞機制進行整理,根據其變形範圍等特徵以探討。此外,研究中也對於岩石邊坡防災整治策略加以統整,例如主動式防護之結構支撐方式加強邊坡穩定性或排水等,或被動式防護之落石控制。研究中將不同類型岩坡變形及破壞機制與整治技術整合討論及分析,分析方法採用地工離心機以及數值模擬,利用地工離心機評估符合現地應力下的模擬岩坡整治方法功效,並做為數值模型分析驗證之用,藉此了解各類型整治技術以及岩坡在不同情境下,岩坡整治效益之變化特性。 ;The deformation features of rock slopes are highly dependent on the scale of the slopes. As the slope scale is larger, the deformation zone and volume of debris increase accordingly. To achieve the maximum benefit from rock slope remediation technologies, we attempt to investigate the adaptability of various rock slope remediation technologies with the consideration of various deformation features of rock slopes. The rock slopes being investigated with different remediation technologies include dip slopes, anti-dip slopes and oblique slopes. This study also collects various rock slope remediation technologies, including active and passive protection approaches. To consider the scale of rock slopes with different remediation technologies, we have also employed geotechnical centrifuge tests and numerical analyses to explore the remediation performance under different scenarios. The target is to give insights into choosing proper remediation technologies when dealing with various types of rock slope under multiple situations.