隨著全球網際網路近年的快速發展,使用者可輕易地在網路上分享地理網路服務及資料,此些資料及服務的集合即為地理網路(GeoWeb)。然而如同網際網路,當大量的地理資源被散佈於網路上時,使用者將難以從巨量地理網路資料(Big GeoWeb Data)搜尋到需要的資源。雖然目前有地理資料入口網站及空間資料基礎建設供使用者查詢註冊於此些平台之地理資源,但除了沒有一個平台索引所有地理網路資源,使用者也難以得知所有的平台。為從根本解決地理資源搜尋的問題,本團隊於前幾年提出地理網路搜尋引擎的概念,並已有初步研究成果。而本計畫預計進一步衍伸探討提升地理網路資源搜尋效能的機制。確切而言,本計畫包含三項重點,(1)將地理網路資源進行語意化,瞭解各個資源的語意概念,並進行資源整合、(2)根據使用者歷史查詢理解使用者興趣,並建立個人化搜尋排序機制,以期提供客製化的搜尋排序成果、及(3)比對不同使用者之資訊,由相似度高之使用者興趣進行擴充,進而回覆更廣泛且可能感興趣的地理網路資源給使用者。整體而言,本計畫預期將大幅改善地理網路資源的搜尋效率,促進地理資源之重複利用,並推廣地理資訊至各領域達成多面向的綜合分析。 ;With the advance of the World-Wide Web (WWW), general publics are able to easily share geospatial data or services on the Web. The collection of these geospatial data and web service is defined as the GeoWeb (Geospatial Web). Similar to the WWW, while more and more geospatial resources are shared online, users face difficulties in finding resources on the GeoWeb. Although users can find geospatial resources in platforms like data portals and spatial data infrastructures, no platform indexes all the GeoWeb resources and no user knows every platform on the Web. From previous years, we have proposed a GeoWeb Search Engine and have constructed a preliminary prototype. In this proposal, we try to extend the discussion by proposing extensions to the existing GeoWeb Search Engine. To be specific, the proposed solution includes (1) semanticizing GeoWeb resources to understand and integrate resources based on their meanings, (2) a personalized search ranking algorithm based on the understanding to a user’s interest, and (3) extending a user’s interests based on the interests from similar users or communities. Overall, we believe that the proposed solution can further address the GeoWeb resource discovery issue, which will significantly reduce the time users spent on searching for GeoWeb resources, and consequently promote the use of geospatial information in various domains.