福爾摩沙衛星二號是臺灣的一顆遙測衛星,其搭載RSI之空間解析度為黑白影像2公尺,彩色影像8公尺,影像拍攝圖幅約24公里。2004年發射升空直到2016年,累積大量應用於國土規劃、資源探勘、環境保護、防災救災遙測資料,接續的福爾摩沙衛星五號終於在2017年發射升空。福衛五號是首個由臺灣完全自主研發的光學遙測衛星,其規劃的空間解析度為黑白影像2公尺,彩色影像4公尺,影像拍攝圖幅約24公里,但是衛星傳回的遙測影像品質不佳,國家太空中心運用影像處理技術針對影像本身改善模糊問題,成果與後續應用尚有許多發展空間。國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心多年致力於遙測技術與空間資訊的發展,有豐富的經驗與強大的團隊,將從遙測影像應用之目的,針對福衛五號輻射、光譜與空間資訊進行品質提昇,以及波段間幾何對位技術及評估,並依據應用需求,整合包括影像融合鑲嵌、色彩平衡、幾何校正正射化處理與除霾除雲技術,並結合福衛二號歷史影像,進行多時序影像環境參數反演與變遷偵測之應用。 ;Formosat-2 was launched in 2004, and was the first Taiwan’s remote sensing satellite. The onboard RSI equipped with 8 meter and 2 meter spatial resolution for multispectral and panchromatic images respectively. Before it was dimissioned in 2016, it accumulated a huge amount of images for various applications including land cover, land use, natural resources, environmental monitoring and disaster management. The following Formosat-5 launched in 2017, was the first optical remote sensing satellite developed by ourselves. It has the same spatial resolution of panchromatic image with Formosat-2, but better resolution of 4 meter in multispectral image. However, because of the focus problem, the image quality from Formosat-5 was not very good. NSPO spends efforts on image processing technics to resolve the blur issue focus on images themselves. In this proposal, we will take a different approach by focusing on the applications. Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research has worked on remote sensing technology and geoinformatics for more than two decades with experiences and strong team. Our proposal is based on applications, to improve the quality of radiometric, spectral and spatial information, and the coregistration between bands. Image processing techniques will also be designed for image fusion and mosaic, color balance, geographic calibration and cloud/haze removal. Finally, the historical images from Formosat-2 will be include to form multi-temporal image set for environmental parameter retrieval and change detection.