我們延續過去兩年以高速攝影機拍攝高空閃電的技術,持續以5000fps解析台灣附近高空閃電高速動態的影像。經過過去兩年的調查,發現高速攝影機需要良好的大氣環境以及無光害的觀測環境。因此我們除了利用之前的中央大學的鹿林天文台之外,我們也試著調查台灣高山區域更佳的觀測地點。過去幾年國際間對高空閃電有顯著的進步,包含高速攝影機的最高速度已達到每秒鐘10萬張,也就是最短的時間解析度為10us,能夠解析紅色精靈中電漿流交互作用的機制;另外過去兩年間,西班牙的團隊已經使用高速攝影機5000 fps拍攝到巨大噴流;從2016年經過兩年儀器發展以及高山觀測的努力,我們與國際上使用高速攝影機的能力接軌,然而相較於過去觀測,高山的觀測環境提供良好的大氣環境以及無光害的觀測環境。因此,在這個計畫,我們持續利用已發展的高速攝影機拍攝高空閃電的技術,申請台灣高山高空閃電的觀測,希望能持續的觀測以及使用福衛二號的資料,為台灣高空閃電的觀測以及研究貢獻新的成果。 ;We conducted a high-speed camera campaign for TLEs (transient luminous events) in Taiwan from 2018 to 2019. We have successfully recorded sprites at the NCU Lulin observatory with the high-speed camera at 5000 fps (frame per second). We have also tried to find better observation sites. Due to the high sensitivity and high time resolution of a high-speed camera, the observation sites require a nearly transparent atmosphere and less light pollution. Recent results of the high-speed camera have shown that the recording of sprite streamer interactions and collisions at 100,000 fps was achieved in U.S. and gigantic jets in 2017-2018 near the north coast of Colombia were recorded at 5,000 fps. In this project, we will use our developed techniques on high-speed camera and analyze the data from the ISUAL payload onboard FORMOSAT-2 satellite. Besides, we will apply for an upcoming campaign at Taiwan high altitude mountain to record the TLEs and contribute our new observations to the sprite community.