當代是一個大數據年代,也就是一個數據爆炸之社會,大數據資訊又稱為巨量資料,這些資料不僅帶來經濟、生活及社會整體利益,更可能對未來之刑事偵查,帶來革命性的改變。大數據與刑事偵查結合後,偵查思維、模式及方法均產生變化,因而形成大數據偵查概念,而大數據資料的蒐集、整理及分析,在處理犯罪上,在二個方面發揮功能,一為協助犯罪偵查及證據蒐集;二為大數據犯罪預測。就犯罪偵查言之,國家運用高科技偵查手段,蒐集、保全數位證據、資訊,尤其是個人傳輸、儲存於第三人企業之非通訊內容性資訊,如:虛擬世界之數位足跡及物理世界之行動位置等證據,已成為現代刑事偵查、科技取證必備之工具,尤其偵查機關以新偵查技術擷取或蒐集個人之數位資訊或足跡,進行長期性、連續性、累積性、大量性蒐集、集合、分析及利用此等資訊,更重要的是,經由科技進步提升傳輸、蒐集資訊的能力,透過第三人(電信公司、網路通訊服務業者等)運作之科技通訊設備及應用程式,個人資訊之本質與數量,大幅度被以自動化方式紀錄、傳輸、集合於第三人之資料庫,此等資訊之特性在於,資訊本質呈現出亟具揭露性質之用戶端之隱私生活。 本文因此針對國家(偵查機關)蒐集、取得第三人儲存、持有之大數據資料,並以該大數據資料進行特定嫌疑人偵查,若屬對特定嫌疑人之偵查,蒐集、調取個人所有、全面性之大數據資料,作為個人之犯罪證據,對該個人言之,更形成國家透過第三人進行大數據監視,此等無所不在之監視,引發高度侵害隱私權的危險,也已經引起國內外之關注,對此,本研究之目的及所要解決之問題乃針對此種第三人之大數據監視概念、內涵等論述分析,進而針對國家偵查機關蒐集、取得第三人儲存持有之大數據資料並進行特定犯罪嫌疑人之偵查,蒐集、調取特定犯罪嫌疑人個人所有、全面性之大數據監視資料,作為個人之犯罪證據時,是否同時構成侵害人民之基本權及其基本權類型,而該等偵查行為,透過向第三人調取相關已經儲存之個人資訊,該等資訊甚至包括長達數年之個人資訊,此等蒐集、取得個人資訊,等於國家無所不在之監視,質是,此等偵查行為應否受到憲法之限制及誡命。其次,若受到憲法之限制及誡命,該等大數據監視對於未來大數據時代之大數據偵查法制之建構,應否另行承認新類型的強制處分及其法制建構之規範論,並探討我國未來修法應規範之面相,作為本研究核心。 ;Our modern society is a big data society. Big data brings to society not only the benefits of more efficient analysis, and by extension, a better understanding of today’s most pressing issues, but also revolutionizes the means and efficacy of criminal investigation. Law enforcement officials now have at their disposal high-tech investigation skills that allow them to collect and investigate digital data, especially those data transmitted, collected, and stored by third parties, e.g. service providers. These data usually hold the characteristic of revealing capacities, connectivity, and long-term continuity, which reveals a great deal of personal information and the private details of any person. Thusly, this kind of data collection, accumulation and analysis may be used and analyzed for the purpose of criminal investigation, and may lead to the question of infringement of the privacy of an individual. Under this contextual analysis, how should we analyze law enforcement data collection and analysis for the purpose of criminal investigation of any individual or suspect. Would it constitute a Fourth Amendment search and be subject to the warrant requirement? Does this kind of government action violate an individual’s constitutional rights and require a review by a neutral magistrate or judge? How do we approach these problems and address the above issues in both the United States and Taiwan? In the context of Taiwanese Constitution and law, how we analyze and address these issues and how we construct the new laws are the very questions we are facing in the near future. This research aims to address the issues presented here and present a normative analysis for the future legal construction and promulgation of new types of ideas in law enforcement.