本研究預計運用大地電磁陣列,在全程計畫期程內,針對台灣地區附近及台灣海峽之地體構造,利用陸上及海下大地電磁方法施測,對於5-15公里範圍內的地體構造,甚至地體運動之活躍性做出初步評估分析研究。預計將由台灣的北、中、南等不同區域剖面,進行陸上大地電磁同時序測站之佈設與資料採集工作,以提供深部地層構造與構造活動機制研究參考。本年度主要研究項目主要有兩大項目包括於屏東以及蘭陽平原地區之現地大地電磁(Magnetotelluric method)同時序監測站布設與資料分析工作。以及嘗試研製適用於淺水域之水下大地電磁儀器一至兩套,於近岸5-200公尺水深區域,進行佈設測試以及資料處理。預期能解決陸上電磁雜訊過高之問題,並提供過去未有的地下高解析度陸上及海下地層電阻率空間分布資料,以協助建立區域地體構造地質模型。 ;We propose to use the on-land and ocean bottom magnetotelluric method, in order to resolve the geological structures within 5-15 kilometers in the four-year project. In the study of this year, we plan to collect the magnetotelluric measurements in the Pingtung plain and the Lanyang plain. We will attempt to deploy the muti-station, synchronized MT surveys in the area for solving the problems from regional electromagnetic noises. In addition to the on-land surveys, we would also attempt to assemble an ocean bottom magnetotelluric system and conduct the tests. We hope to deploy the system in the shallow water that are within 200m in depth. Lastly, we hope to develop a resistivity model for the Taiwan region with not only the information of geometry, but also the information of physical properties and geology.