本計畫基於「興趣驅動創造者理論」(簡稱「趣創者理論」,Interest-Driven Creator Theory, IDC) ,進行兩個面向的研究:一個面向是建立智慧學習動物同伴,方式是透過蒐集學生大量學習歷程資料,經過學習數據分析,設計學生與學習同伴的互動模式,建立智慧學習動物同伴,以促進學生的學習興趣與創造能力,並養成這種趣創者學習方式的習慣;另外一個面向則是建立「趣創者理論」之學習環境,在這個環境裡,學生可以透過智慧學習同伴結合其他科技技術來增強自己的學習。我們希望這樣的IDC學習環境能夠成為未來教育重要的一環。 ;Based on Interest-Driven Creator Theory (IDC), this proposed project will work on two dimensions. One dimension is to build intelligent animal learning companions. To achieve this, we need to collect and analysis vast data from stored students’ learning portfolios, design interaction models between the student and intelligent learning companions, evelop related artificial intelligence in education technology, and construct intelligent learning companions. These companions will foster students’ learning interest, creation capability, and learning habits. Another dimension of this project is to establish an intelligent IDC-based learning environment, including experimental school sites and online learning community. In this environment, not only students’ learning activities are supported by intelligent learning companions, but also what and how they learn as well as their interest in learning can be enhanced through various artificial intelligence in education technologies. We hope that such intelligent IDC-based learning environment can form an essential part of future learning environment.