由於CORBA制定了在分散式環境下各物件的溝通機制,並且解決了在分散式環境下尋找物件所在位置的問題,所以在CORBA架構下可以讓各個應用程式彼此之間呼叫其所提供的方法但,卻可彼此不知道彼此的所在位置。 Real-Time CORBA則是針對如何在系統中去表示Real-Time限制因素以及如何去達到Real-Time限制因素的要求,使得在Real-Time CORBA架構下可以處理有時間限制因素的要求。因為在我們所參與的雷達數位信號處理系統(Radar DSP)中是個Real-Time系統且採用multiple server的架構,當我們將Real-Time CORBA的概念導入在雷達數位信號處理系統(Radar DSP)並不能完全滿足我們的需求,所以在本篇論文中我們根據在雷達數位信號處理系統(Radar DSP)的需求設計提出一個支援deadline-based Scheduling和multiple server的Real-Time CORBA的架構。 因為UML 是一種用來描述系統藍圖的一種模式語言。所以我們採用UML來model我們所設計的Multiple Server Real-Time CORBA架構 以便能夠詳細的描述我們所設計的架構。 CORBA provides an infrastructure that allows objects over Internet to communicate independent of the specific techniques, languages, and platforms used to implement the objects. Real-Time CORBA 1.0 supports real-time application by extending CORBA with allowing developers to choose priority-based scheduling policies and assigning CORBA priority to each invocation. This paper proposes a Real-time CORBA architecture that supports deadline-based scheduling and multi-servers. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language that describes systems by using meaningful graphical notations. UML has been adopted by OMG (object Management Group) as its, standard modeling language in 1997. So we use UML to model the multi-server real-time CORBA architecture.