近幾年來,隨著網際網路的快速發展,以及多媒體技術的日益精進,利用IP廣域網路來展現多媒體資料已經變得可行。然而,多媒體資訊太耗費頻寬,面對網路不佳時播放品質也跟著不佳。使用者對於資訊的需求也跟著網路發展,而迫切的需要即時的資訊。 在本文中,我們提出在IP網路上透過即時的RTP/RTCP傳輸協定,進行現場多媒體群播展現的系統,這個系統除了聲音影像資訊之外、也將送端的網頁瀏覽事件同步再現於各個收端,使得送端的情境能與收端分享。另一方面連續型態的串流媒體與分散型態的事件資訊在經過網路傳送之後,必定會發生時序不同步的問題,如何在不使用額外的展示與應用機制下,仍能保持時序關係的同步展現,也是我們討論的重點。此外,我們也針對除了網路延遲之外,可能會發生在實作上的另一個同步問題,也就是取樣時戳的對應偏差,探討其發生的原因,並提出解決之道。 本系統的特性包括: The Internet and multimedia technology has improved significantly in the recent years, thus it is workable now to present multimedia information using IP on wide area network. The main problem of multimedia on network is the cost of communication bandwidth however, it consumes too much bandwidth. The quality of network deteriorates rapidly with heavily traffic load, so does the effect of multimedia presentation. On the other hand, users need real-time information urgently now by information high way to adapt global communication. Under such circumstance, the multimedia presentation we found today can hardly work across IP network with real-time characteristic. In the thesis, we propose a Live Telepresentation System using real-time RTP/RTCP protocol on IP network. Besides using audio and video media in Telepresentation, the system also transports the events of web browsing to end clients replay the browsing activity simultaneously with audio and video presentation. We also discuss the synchronization methodologies that maintain the temporal relations among discrete event data and continuous stream after network transmission. The features of our system are as follows: