因應現今綠能趨勢可能造成的能源穩定問題,儲能裝置在台灣電力系統中的調節功能更顯重要,特別是具有短時與中時儲存的新儲能技術,在電力架構中可達到削峰填谷的作用,對於緩衝電網負荷有不可或缺的重要性,因此儲能元件、儲能材料、與儲能系統設計也需要更多的廠商與人才投入。本聯盟將結合學界燃料電池、鋰離子電池、及超級電容三方面的專家,成立『儲能技術研發與服務產學聯盟(Industry-Academia Consortium for Energy Storage Technology Development and Service)』,聯盟的服務對象為國內儲能系統相關產業,包含儲能技術開發與供應端廠商以及儲能技術客戶端之廠商,核心技術項目涵蓋燃料電池與電解電池材料開發、電池性能檢測、鋰離子電池與超電容元件、石墨烯能源材料應用、太陽能產氫等新一代儲能技術,本計畫團隊過去與相關廠商在合作開發多項前瞻儲能技術上已有實質績效,而本聯盟的成立將可有效率提供產業技術諮詢服務與人才培訓,相關廠商亦可利用本平台尋找相對應之核心技術,大幅縮短研發時程以降低成本,加速關鍵儲能技術擴散以進入商品化階段,同時發掘適合投入儲能領域的相關傳統產業,協助廠商轉型投入能源產業。此外,透過本聯盟可協助廠商進行產業未來動態與發展方向之資料收集,並成立社群即時分享最新產業動態與新知,並協助廠商在交流過程中開拓協力廠商與利基市場,透過上下游的配搭,使儲能技術在台灣綠能架構的整體應用更為完整,促進國內儲能相關產業的發展。 ;Large-scale deployment of renewable energy sources (RES) may intensify the variability and intermittency of the power supply, thereby compromising the reliability of current energy grid. The employment of energy storage system, especially those with short-term and medium-term storage capacities, are therefore indispensable for relieving the grid loading caused by RES. The aim of this alliance is to assist on the technological development of novel energy storage systems that serve the above mentioned needs. The alliance of “Industry-Academia Consortium for Energy Storage Technology Development and Service” is a joint effort of the experts specialized on energy technology of fuel cells, secondary batteries, and supercapacitors. The core technology covers the material development, as well as unit and system design of energy storage systems employing SOFCs/SOECs, PEMFCs/PEMECs, Li-ion batteries, supercapacitors, graphene materials, and hydrogen production. The major task of this alliance is to serve and assist domestic industries at the development stages. By engaging in the technical consulting services and manpower training courses provided by the alliance, domestic industry members can benefit from significantly shortening the development time and accelerating the commercialization process of their products. In addition, this alliance also assists members to discover synergies and niche markets by establishing a friendly community that shares the latest industry trends. Through the cooperation with its industry members, the alliance of “Industry-Academia Consortium for Energy Storage Technology Development and Service” serves to promote the technology development of energy storage related domestic industries, meanwhile also assists to relieve the grid loading when the energy infrastructure transforms into larger scale of renewable energy sources in Taiwan.