為提升混凝土抗彎矩構架系統之整體勁度與避免構件產生局部破壞,本研究採用FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer)進行結構補強,該材料之特點為價格便宜,具高經濟效益,可大量地使用於建築結構上。透過靜力分析,可瞭解結構物承受極端外力下之非線性行為。本研究採用基於位移之應性側推法進行分析,並於構架元素兩端串聯塑鉸元素,用來模擬主筋降伏後之塑性行為。分析中有諸多參數會影響結構物之材料韌性容量,如結構屋齡、施工品質等。 本研究選用碳纖維之FRP,通稱CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer),將其包裹於結構柱上,能有效地增加結構勁度與韌性容量。此外,由於CFRP提供之圍束效果,使保護層能發揮更大的作用,進而消散更多地震能量。研究結果顯示,當採用CFRP加勁中低層鋼筋混凝土建築時,結構之容量曲線能大幅地提升,比較不同加勁案例,並找出CFRP對於柱圍束效果與混凝土抗壓強度折減之影響。本研究結果可作為實務上房屋結構補強之參考。 ;To achieve the global satisfactory seismic behavior of a concrete frame structure and prevent undesirable local failures of its structural elements, local strengthening of structural members through FRP wrap is one of the cost-effective retrofitting strategies. A static analysis method is simple and provides more accuracy in presenting dynamic behavior, namely Displacement-based Adaptive Pushover Analysis, with a rotational spring approach for the elements. Several factors cause the element′s capacity to decrease in addition to seismic loadings, such as building age and construction failure. This carbon type of FRP wrapped column will increase the strength of the element and the capacity that will allow attaining more energy dissipating global performance through increased external confinement. This on-going research aims to demonstrate the seismic performance of Low-to-Mid-Rise Concrete Frame retrofitted by CFRP wrap. The structure′s capacity curves before and after local strengthening will be developed and analyzed to identify the CFRP′s contribution to cases due to seismic demand for the cover concrete and reinforcement and degradation of the concrete′s compression strength. This curve allows evaluation for the retrofitting strategy is carried out rationally.