摘要: | 在這樣一個網路經濟的時代, 許許多多的企業紛紛利用各種最新的技術來處理其業務, 並以打造一個電子化的企業為目標. 然而在企業電子化的過程中有許多的變數會影響應用程式的開發, 包括: 商業需求的變動, 資料格式的變動, 以及使用者介面的變動等等. 我們提出了一個以XML為基礎的企業應用程式架構, 希望藉此架構來幫助程式開發人員以最少的花費來解決上述的變異性. 透過此架構我們不再需要將同樣的資料複製到不同的使用者介面, 我們將資料以XML文件來表示再配合適當的XSL便可以將資料呈現在不同的使用者介面上, 例如: 網頁瀏覽器, WAP 手機, PDA 等等. 此外我們也不需要維護昂貴的轉譯程式, 透過我們實作的Converter我們可以很輕易的在不同的企業夥伴間轉換不同的資料格式. 透過XML-RPC我們也可以很容易的重複使用已存在的模組而不需完全重新開發. 我們也根據此企業應用程式架構開發了一個以網路書店為主體的B2C跟B2B的範例. In a networked economy, it is so popular for businesses to take advantage of new technologies to make their business become e-business. But, there are usually variations such as business requirements, data formats and interfaces and so on impacting application development. We propose a flexible e-applications architecture that utilizes XML to help IT people to adapt to the above variations with least efforts. First, instead of having duplicate data in different interfaces, we only maintain one XML document and certain XSL files for different client interfaces such as Web browser, WAP-enabled cellular phone, PDA or other applications in the architecture. Second, instead of having many translators, we can process an XML document through converter to output different data formats accepted by different business partners. Third, we can reuse some components written in different programming languages by XML-RPC to facilitate applications development. Finally, we implement a virtual bookstore to illustrate how we apply the architecture and some mechanisms may be applied in the future such as digital signature, SSL and so on. |