在道路行車安全上,照明對於駕駛是不可或缺的,然而,當照明光源方向錯誤,直射人眼時,會對視覺上造成許多負面地影響。最常見的例子在清晨或傍晚時的行車安全,因為太陽離地平線的角度過小,出現在駕駛視野中,恐造成交通意外的發生。其目前技術解決辦法可使用太陽眼鏡、全視線眼鏡、偏光鏡片、或在眼前加上特定波段濾光片等;諸如此類方式不外乎都是降低光源入射眼睛之光強,但同時間其他視覺區域光強也被減弱,在特定情況下會造成駕駛行車上的困難。 為了解決強光源直射人眼,及克服上述全視野光強減弱等缺點,已有的產品,電子式太陽眼鏡,是利用微小相機偵測強光源對於使用者視野的位置,再由穿透式液晶做為鏡片,來動態式區域減光,有效針對該光源在鏡片上之位置做遮蔽。然而,鏡片與實際光源位置並非在相同的焦平面上,導致遮蔽處的邊緣模糊,可能會遮蔽到光源以外的區域,或著光源遮蔽不完全。本研究使用擴增實境(Augmented Reality,AR)光學系統架構,搭配CMOS相機進行光源偵測,以穿透式液晶進行光源遮蔽,在嵌入式系統的架構中,利用影像二元化技術,達成了光源動態偵測及區域減光的效果,來提供使用者低刺眼、高品質的視覺舒適環境。 穿透式區域減光積分成像系統除了在交通上的應用,遮蔽清晨及傍晚刺眼的太陽、夜晚來車的遠光燈,也有機會應用在各式運動競技上。在棒球運動,外野手不再因為刺眼地陽光而漏接打者的高飛球;在美式足球,球員也不會因為高處地球場燈光而漏接來自四分衛的高拋傳球。 ;Lighting has played a significant role on driving safety. However, incorrect direction of the illumination becomes harmful as the high intensity light shine right into drivers’ eyes. During dawn or dusk, the glare from the sun may cause drivers encounter traffic accidents because the angle between the sun and horizon is too small. Drivers can wear sunglasses, photochromic glasses, polarizing shades, or certain glass filter to solve these issues, yet these solutions darken their whole vision, which may lead them to have difficulties to see the road clearly. The conventional product, electronic sunglasses, overcomes the disadvantages that previously mentioned. Lenses of the sunglasses are made of transparent LCD. With an external mini sensor, it tracks the glare and then displays a mask, corresponding to the area of the glare based on users’ vision. Since the location of the transparent LCD and the source of glare are not on the same focal plane, the edge of the mask is still blurry while sometimes is unable to cover the area of glare accurately. Thus, the proposed system utilizes the optical architecture of augmented reality to combine both the background glare and the transparent LCD plane. With the additional embedded system, the source of glare can be detected by using the binary image technic on the CMOS sensor captured images. The contrast of users’ vision between the source of glare and the background image is then reduced as a result of the mask dynamically produced by the transparent LCD. See-through Integral Imaging System not only enhances the application on driving safety, but benefits players in several kind of sports games as well. During baseball games, fielders no longer miss fly balls because of the sun glare as well as players miss forward passes from the quarterback during rugby games.