將一部熱門影片以廣播的型式播送至用戶端,可讓多數的用戶共享頻道以 減少頻道的使用量。一類新的廣播策略是將一部影片切成等長度的數個片段,在伺服器端利用多個頻道分別以特定的週期傳送這些片段,以大幅縮減用戶端的等待時間,其中以Recursive Frequency Splitting Scheme (RFS)所達到的效果最好,大量縮短了使用者的等待時間;然而RFS 的方法需要接近O(N 2 )的執行時間,所以我們提出了一個新的有效率的影片排程策略,在接近RFS 的效果之下只要O(N)的執行時間。 在這篇論文當中,我們提出了一種新的頻寬配置策略,以一種簡單而更快速且有效率的演算法來分配有限的頻寬,大幅縮減用戶端的等待時間和減少伺服器端所需的大量運算。另外我們也對這類的問題做了一些分析和討論。 Broadcasting is one of several techniques that aim at reducing the cost of video-on-demand service. This approach is to schedule repeated broadcasts of the videos indedicated channels. One limitation of broadcasting is that users who want to watch a video must wait some time for the next scheduled broadcast of a video. Manybroadcasting approaches have been proposed to reduce the new-coming user's waiting time. One of them, named RFS scheme, signicantly improves over existing schemes in terms of viewer's waiting time. However, the execution time of RFS scheme is O(n^2) in worst case, where n is the number of segments of a video V. In this thesis, we propose an effcient segmentation scheme, which can get the nearly number of segments comparing with RFS scheme, but the execution time is O(n).