隨著雲端運算技術和基礎建設即服務 (IaaS) 的日益成熟,許多企業或用戶選擇將服務放置在IaaS服務商。虛擬化技術能提升硬體資源使用率,搭配動態遷移 (Live migration) 技術除了能依據管理者需求動態調整虛擬機器位置,也能夠減少能源消耗。然而將虛擬機集中在實體機的同時,也提升硬體故障所造成的損失。各服務商使用高可用性方案來提升服務品質,監測虛擬機器所處實體機器的運行狀態是基本要求,面對突發性故障時在其他實體機器上重啟虛擬機。本研究基於預測虛擬機器開機時間來實作一套虛擬機器放置機制,面對運行大量虛擬機器的實體機器故障時,能夠有效的在短時間內重啟虛擬機器。;With advancements in IaaS and cloud computing technology, many enterprises and users have chosen to deploy services on the cloud. Virtualization technology can increase resource utilization but can also increase recovery costs if faults occur. To overcome these issues, many IaaS providers provide high-availability solutions such as monitoring the physical machine state and rebuilding the VMs on another host when faults occur. In this study, we have proposed a multiple VM boot-time prediction method and implemented a boot-time VM scheduler that can rebuild VMs as soon as possible.