由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,使用人口不斷增加,每個人皆可以是資訊提供者(Information Providers),使得網際網路上資源豐富,目不暇給。但是這些豐富的資源大部分沒有經過適當的分類與分眾,且其品質參差不齊,網路上的學習者必須花費很多的時間與精力來過濾篩選無用的資訊,使得學習的效率與品質大打折扣。本研究將學術期刊的概念導入,並根據不同的學習領域及不同的年齡層分類,設計一個可供上傳、修改、線上評審及自動出版的系統。除了讓學習者將自己的學習成果或經驗,以網頁的形式分享出來,所有的作品都會以一般期刊的審查過程進行審查,以提升其品質,並選出品質優良者出版成網路期刊,漸漸使獲選並刊登於網路期刊者,覺得這是一種榮譽,形成知識分享的良性循環,建立網路上知識共享的優質環境。 Internet has rapidly expanded to make more and more people using it and enabled everyone to be information providers who make the World Wide Web become a very rich information resource. However, the content of this rich resource usually has not been classified nor grouped by ages. Therefore quality is uncontrolled. Learners learn through the Internet would spend a lot of time to seek useful knowledge from massive useless information, making learning inefficient. We adopt the concept of journal publication to design a system that provides online submission, modification, reviewing, and publication of their homepage creations, based on different kinds of learning fields and age groups. This mechanism encouraged learners to share their learning achievement and experience on web journals, and all of the submitted creations have been reviewed through the reviewing processes like the general journals to improve the quality. The accepted creations with high quality will be published on web journals and the authors will obtain honor gradually. We believe the mechanism of web journals could provide a virtuous circle of knowledge sharing, and be developed as a good knowledge-sharing environment on the World Wide Web.