在本論文的研究中,我們提出以二次式誤差 (quadric error metrics)為模型簡化準則的視點相關漸進網格 (view-dependent progressive meshes)的多重解析度模塑技術 (multiresolution modeling),並根據視點參數 (view parameters) 在展示模型時調整模型中各區域的解析度。這個模塑方法可以快速的得到高準確度的多重解析度模型。此外,二次式誤差可以結合外觀屬性 (appearance attributes),讓簡化後的模型的屬性看來比較合理。我們記錄下簡化歷程中每個點的屬性,讓展示時可以減少一些計算時間。 A view-dependent multiresolution modeling with appearance attributes based on the quadric error metrics for real-time visualization is proposed. The multiresolution modeling technique can rapidly produce high-quality approximations of the origin model based on the quadric error metrics. The view-dependent refinement improves the visualization performance. In addition, a generalized form of the quadric error criteria can accommodate vertices with appearance attributes, such as RGB color and texture coordinates; this virtue makes the multiresolution models more reasonable. Moreover, we record the appearance properties during constructing the multiresolution models such that we can reduce the calculation time during rendering the models.