轉錄是生物由DNA序列產生RNA的過程,轉錄因子是否黏合於促進區域及由哪些轉錄因子黏合控制著轉錄動作是否進行。本文標記轉錄因子及重複序列於基因前的促進區域,應用資料探勘(Data Mining)技術於重複序列及轉錄因子的組合,並且從關聯性規則中找出較有意義的,並且去除多餘的規則,從在規則裡的重複序列中找尋可能的轉錄因子。我們進行的實驗主要是在酵母菌的基因組上。在轉錄因子的研究上,我們得到相當有價值的資訊。 The process of transcription is that an RNA product produced from the DNA. Some proteins, called transcription factors, influence the transcription of genes. In this thesis, we first mark the transcription factor binding sites and repeat sequences in the promoter region of genes and then apply data mining techniques to mine the association rules from the combinations of binding sites and repeat sequences. We further prune the discovered associations to remove those insignificant associations and find a set of useful rules. We apply our approach on Yeast and mine many putative binding sites.