由於這幾年資訊技術的進步與演變,促成資訊家電的產生。 各式各樣的資訊家電雖然不斷出現,但是資訊家電上所使用 的軟體系統發展並沒有特別進步之處,一般發展者在資訊家 電上發展軟體仍像在PC上一般,而忽略了資訊家電本質上與 PC的不同。為了彌補這個缺失,本論文以目前PC上應用相當 廣泛的網頁瀏覽器為例,提出一個架構,並以這個架構為參 考,來設計與實作資訊家電上的網頁瀏覽器,希望藉由這樣 的方式,提高資訊家電上軟體開發的效率,並給予軟體開發 者作為系統開發時的參考。 In recent years, due to the improvement and envolvement of the information technology, more and more new information appliances (IA) are invented. But the developing process of software systems for information appliances is still somewhat limited. In this thesis, we explore a metamodel as an attempt to provide an application architecture and a set of stereotypes for IA browser. A Palm-based PDA browser is implemented as an instance to illustrated the usefulness of the proposed approach.