本研究旨在利用網路技術與資料庫,建構一個以取得認證為目的的學習系統,並以資訊基本能力為認證內容,稱為「資訊護照系統」。除了將學習成就認證的理念建構於網路環境中,並採用自動實作認證模式,讓學習者能夠藉由親自動手操作電腦軟體(如E-mail、FTP等軟體),來檢視自己的資訊基本技能。同時,系統也採用認證輔助學習的方式,先把學習目標分級,並提供自訂目標的機制、完整的認證歷程記錄與回饋及引導學習的資訊,讓學習者能依個人學習狀況,訂定符合自己學習進度的認證目標,在循序漸進的認證過程中,逐步獲得並學習資訊基本素養中的每項認證,最後再提供自我評量的機制,來自我檢視學習成效。 The purpose of this study is to develop a passport system for Internet users to learn basic information technology skills. This passport system includes an online automatic certification function that can be operated by users to gain basic information technology skills. By accepting the test of receiving and sending E-mail and or using FTP software, etc, they can inspect themselves if they have owned the technique of those skills. In the meantime, they can set the learning goals for themselves to speed up their learning paces. The system also records the learning record of the learners to be used as a feedback for the learners to retrospect their mistakes they made before and make them introspect if they have gained those information technology skills.