在傳統的教學環境中老師都是採用一套教學策略來教導全部的學生,並沒有依據學生能力及專長的不同來給予不同的教學策略,所以並不是所有學生都能有適合自己的學習方式。且學生只能由作業及討論區來貢獻及分享知識使分散專精知識難以有效的整合。 本篇論文依據Lave的情境學習理念,及學術上期刊投稿的方式建立了網路期刊評量系統,以實現LPP(合法的邊際參與)由邊際參與到完全參與的過程。系統中利用作業、投稿、評審及觀摩讓學生貢獻及分享學習經驗,並利用學生作品集、ZPD及由Decision Tree所找出的規則,依學生知識、理解、應用、分析、綜合、評鑑及創意能力將學生分成不同的角色,最後再依各角色專長及能力缺乏的地方給予不同的工作,使學生能由不同工作的訓練漸漸的朝學習的核心前進。並能由作業、投稿、評審、創意及擔任角色來多元評量學生的學習成效。 我們由51位資工系大一學生使用本系統的資料及反應,發現大部分學生能由本系統而越來越願意貢獻他們的學習經驗,也能由瀏覽其他人的作品來提昇投稿及評審的能力,並由不同工作的訓練下漸漸的提高學習成效,而朝學習的核心前進。另外在問卷中大部分學生也認為本系統對學習是有幫助的並願意推薦給其他班級使用。 In traditional teaching environment,teacher use one teaching strategy to all student,and no use different strategy by student ‘s ability,so not all student has suitable learning way,and student’s learning experiment only contribute and share in discuss board and homework submitting,so distribute expertise is difficult to integrate。 This paper according situated learning by Lave and journal publication process to construct Journal Based Assessment System to achieve LPP from peripheral participation to full participation。We use homework , journal submitting , review and learn from peer’s work to acquisition student’s Learning experiment and use portfolios、ZPD and rules by decision tree to separate different roles by student’s Knowledge、Comprehension、application、analysis、synthesis、Evaluation and creativity ability,finally give different student different task to improve their ability ,and archive the goal of multiple evaluation。 Subject were 51 computer science majors show that they like to contribute their experiment more and more,and can improve their submitting and evaluation ability by peer’s work and lift learning performance by different task . Besides questionnaire show this system is useful to learning and student want to promote to other classes。