現代牙醫製作假牙時,於牙體色彩評估階段,經常採用比色版系統,由於此系統已經沿用多年,相關的比色技術與訓練也已經相當成熟。主要問題在於,牙技師需要的相當長期訓練,才能完成足夠精準的比色;另一方面,色版本身的數量並不足以精準形容臨床上幾百種的齒色,只能透過經驗判斷中間色,這種方法引入大量的人為判斷,經常因個體差異造成不同的比色結果。 本論文提供一套牙齒精準比色系統,嘗試透過輕巧簡便且精準的取色系統,於牙醫師端將臨床牙色記錄下來,並提供此資訊給牙技師。牙技師透過系統中的顯色螢幕與顯色燈,觀察還原的色彩,其效果如同於臨床現場與患者進行牙色比對。 ;In modern denture industry, using denture shade guide is a popular way to evaluate tooth color. This technique has been developed for decades, and there is a mature training system for dental technicians. Although shade guide is a well-developed system, dental technicians still need years of training to evaluate tooth color accurately. Another issue is that the number of is not enough for clinical use. Dental technicians have to “guess” the color when the color is not matching the shade guide. A well-trained dental technician can sometimes “guess” accurately, so this is not a scientific way, which involve human factor, to evaluate color. Our team design an imaging and display system. Try to use a capture system to record color information, and pass it to a display system for dental technician. The display system can accurately recover the captured color which is like we are watching the tooth color of the patient in clinic.