本論文設計並實作了一個激發使用動機的網路個人學習平台。許多研究指出,動機是人們行為的原動力,對學習行為而言,學習動機更是進一步影響學習的成效,尤其是當今資訊發達,網路學習已成為另一個重要的學習途徑,如何在網路的學習環境中,引發和維持使用者的使用動機,是相當重要的議題。 為了達到上述目的,本研究首先先建置一網路個人學習平台,提供每位使用者個人專屬的學習環境,以及一系列基本服務項目。此外,為了提高使用者的使用動機,本研究另設計了激發機制-亞卓寵物,讓使用者可以在平台上飼養寵物,以增加使用者對學習環境的黏著力,同時善用此邊際效應,引導使用者於平台上進行學習活動。 The objective of the paper is to present a personal learning platform built-in inspiring using motivation mechanism for users in the WWW. Many researches have pointed that motivation is the power of human behaviors. For learning activities, learning motivation still more affects learning efficiency. Nowadays, e-learning has been an another important approach for acquiring knowledge. It is very important to stimulate and maintain using motivation for users in the web-based learning platform. First, we design and implement a web-based learning platform. Its main purpose is to provide users with a personal learning environment. Furthermore, to stimulate users’ using motivation, we also design an inspiring mechanism - EduPet. Users can raise pets in the learning platform. It not only can add the stick of the platform, but also make use of the side-effect to guide users participating learning activities.