近年來,需求追溯和變更影響分析在需求工程方法的研究領域越 來越受到重視。然而,在開發軟體系統的過程中,目前的需求管理方 法並無法系統化的處理追溯關連性與需求變更。因此,本研究提出了 一套目標驅動之需求追溯方法以系統化開發與管理需求,並使用會議 排程系統以說明所發展之方法。本研究方法包含三個面向: (1) 根據目標導向使用案例方法發展系統與管理需求; (2) 使用設計結構矩陣建立與維護需求追溯關連性,並產生設計結構 矩陣區塊與需求追溯樹; (3) 根據設計結構矩陣區塊使用變更分析演算法分析需求變更的影 響。 Recently, the growing popularity of requirements engineering methodologies has implied an increasing focus on requirements traceability and change impact analysis. However, exist- ing approaches cannot systematically handle traceability relations and requirements changes when developing software systems. This study proposes a goal-driven requirements trace- ability approach to develop and manage requirements along three aspects: (1) to develop software and manage requirements according to the goal-driven use case (GDUC) approach, (2) to establish and maintain the traceability relation with a design structure matrix (DSM) to derive the traceability tree, and (3) to analyze requirements change impacts using the impact analysis algorithms based on DSM partitions. The proposed approach is illustrated by the problem domain of meeting scheduler systems.