要在低階的個人電腦上即時的展示擁有龐大資料量的地形模型是一項困難的挑戰。在本論文的研究中,我們採用二次誤差式準則 (quadric error metrics) 的方法來建立多重解析度地形模型 (multiresolution terrain model) ,並且使用動態載入式 (dynamic-loading) 技術來達成展示龐大地形模型的目的。利用多重解析度模塑的技術,可以簡化地形模型所需的資料,並且能在顯示時保有高精確度。 在瀏覽大區域地形模型的每一時刻,我們通常只看到局部區域,這時若將整個模型完全載入至記憶體則形成電腦資源的浪費,況且太大的模型也無法完全載入到記憶體中。因此,我們將大區域地形模型切分成許多矩形小地塊,並且動態地讀取所需的小地塊到記憶中來展示。然而,當地塊彼此具有不同的解析度時,在邊界就有可能產生破裂的清況。因此我們將討論幾種方法來克服這個問題。 另外,就飛行模擬的應用而言,我們建立一個控制介面來模擬飛機的飛行,可以讓使用者感覺就如同他們正在地形上駕駛飛機。 The real-time rendering of large terrain models on a low-level personal computer is a challenge for flight simulation. In this paper, a multiresolution terrain modeling based on the quadric error metrics (QEM) with dynamic loading technique is proposed to achieve the need of flight simulation. The multiresolution modeling technique can rapidly produce high-quality approximation of the original model. For a large terrain model, it is generally impractical to load the whole terrain model into memory. Thus, we partition a large terrain model into blocks and then dynamically load the necessary terrain blocks into the memory for rendering. Generally, it will cause cracks between two adjacent terrain models with different resolutions. We discuss several methods to overcome the problem. For the application of flight simulation, we build a control interface to simulate the fighter’s action; let users feel as they are aviating the fighter over the terrain.