摘要: | 「資訊融入教學」與「e-learning」是目前在教育與學習上的新趨勢,我們可利用電腦網路科技不受時間、地點限制的特性,來強化教育與學習雙方面的效果。本研究即是針對「目標設定理論」整理出相關之原理原則,並據以建置一個優質的網路閱讀學習環境--「兒童閱讀計畫網站」,提供教師在推廣班級兒童閱讀時一個強力的網路輔具,並讓學生能利用其來完成閱讀,進而以有效的閱讀來達成更有效率的學習。 系統設定流程分為四個模組:目標設定模組、書籍管理模組、計劃公佈模組與評量輸入模組。系統架構則分成學生介面與老師介面,學生介面的主要功能有訂定、編輯修改自己的閱讀計劃,查閱班級同學之閱讀計劃(公佈者),輸入、編輯修改閱讀完成之評量資料,發表意見交流,瀏覽公佈欄、瀏覽排行榜(Billboard)等;老師介面之功能則著重在管理班級學生閱讀狀況方面,除了擁有學生介面所有功能之外,更加入便於老師管理之功能,主要有建立及管理閱讀主題與閱讀目標、管理班級同學之閱讀計劃、管理書籍、管理意見交流與公佈欄以及全班學生閱讀狀況統計等。 本研究以實施於小學班級兒童閱讀為主,期望藉由班級同儕的合作學習來加強同學的閱讀成效,並實地實施班級閱讀活動之推廣與針對學生閱讀行為及閱讀狀況方面來探討與評量。 “Computer Integrated Instruction” and “ e-learning” are the trends of teaching and learning. To strengthen both of the effects of teaching and learning, we can take advantage of the characteristics of computer internet technology which can be widely used without any space and time restriction. This research is based on the goal setting theory . According to the principles sorted from the theory, we build a high quality internet learning and reading environment, “children reading-plan website”, which can be used as an powerful internet-aid tool by teachers to popularize classroom reading as well as by students to finish reading assignment. The process of the system includes four models: goal setting model, books managing model, reading plan notifying model and reading evaluating model. The structure can be divide into two parts, student interface and teacher interface. The functions of student interface are: organizing their own reading plans, checking reading plans of other classmates, editing their comments on the reading material, exchanging opinions on the discussion board, browsing the bulletin board and Billboard. The purpose of teacher interface is mainly focus on supervising class students’ progress. In addition to the same functions as the students’, teacher interface has more management functions, such as building the theme and goal of reading, supervising students’ reading plan, gathering statistics of reading condition on-line, and controlling the books databank, the discussion board and bulletin board. This research is mainly focus on elementary school classroom reading. We expect that by learning through cooperation, children can get the most benefits from reading. The research will help teachers take classroom reading into practice and attempt the honest evaluation of the system. |