1929年,就讀於復旦大學社會科學科的張英超踏入了上海漫畫界。進入30年代後,張英超積極創作漫畫,並尋找個人的漫畫風格,同時他也參與各類漫畫活動,與眾漫畫家一同推動著中國漫畫向前發展。由於第一手生平資料的匱乏、作品散落,在以往的研究中,學者多以單一觀點對張英超的都市漫畫作解讀,且其生平信息未見完整的論述,對其時事漫畫的討論更是不見其蹤。因此本論文試圖透過後人的口述,同時期報刊、文學作品的資料收集,具體呈現出張英超的家庭環境與生平;并?他的漫畫作品分為「都市漫畫」與「時事漫畫」兩類,?而進行漫畫風格與內容的解讀。 本文分為三章論述。第一章首先梳理了張英超的生平與家庭背景。以父親張珍侯為切入點,探尋張英超漫畫生涯的開始與父親之間的關聯。其次在第二節展開論及張英超1929年以前的藝術學習,以及1929年至1946年間的重要漫畫活動與軌跡。第二章以張英超「都市漫畫」為研究對象,尋找張英超畫中摩登女性構形之過程,並透過解讀漫畫內容,還原30年代上海摩登生活面貌。第三章則以「時事漫畫」為研究對象,分析漫畫所反映的政治事件與經濟現象,探究漫畫所承載的意涵與社會功能。 ;In 1929, Zhang Yingchao, a social science major in Fudan University, stepped into Shanghai’s cartoon world. In the 1930s, he sought his own style of cartooning while developing connections with other cartoonists. Past studies of Zhang’s work, due to a lack of biographical materials and artworks tended to focus only on his urban cartoons, not on his editorial cartoons, and rarely sorted out the story of his life. By interviewing his descendants and collecting data from periodicals and literary works, this thesis presents Zhang Yingchao’s family background and biography, and discusses and interprets his urban and editorial cartoons. The first chapter of this introduces Zhang Yingchao’s life and family background. It explores his father Zhang Zhenhou’s influence behind his successful entry into the cartoon world. The second chapter, focusing on his urban cartoons, which were strongly influenced by Russell Patterson, analyzes the process whereby Zhang shaped the image of the modern Shanghai woman of the 1930s. The third chapter analyzes the political events and economic phenomena reflected by his editorial cartoons.