A縣屬於不具焚化廠操作營運縣市,每日產生之一般生活垃圾必需仰賴轉運方式載運至其他縣、市焚化廠進行焚化處理。本研究首先考量轉運距離及代焚化垃圾等費用進行轉運路線優化以找出最佳轉運模式,降低現行模式下之整體轉運及焚化成本。考量A縣之長期垃圾處理政策,本研究亦收集分析其他縣市設置焚化廠之設置及營運成本,並與現行轉運模式進行比較,可做為A縣自行設置焚化廠或維持轉運的參考。為計算最低轉運成本,本研究利用CPLEX軟體規劃求解,考量A縣各鄉鎮市將其廢棄物轉運至 6 個焚化廠之轉運距離及各焚化廠收取之焚化費用,設計最符合成本效益之最佳轉運路線模式,並與現行操作模式進行比較。另規劃設計A縣興建與操作焚化廠所需費用,比較轉運路線優化與焚化廠設置之成本及利弊。研究結果顯示模式模擬優化情境與現行實際費用相比,可降低年成本約 800 萬元,若加上焚化成本,則可降低1千萬元/年,顯示A縣未來可利用模式優化轉運路線。計算結果顯示實際轉運與模式優化之單位廢棄物轉運二氧化碳排放量分別為 28.78 kgCO2e/公噸及 25.40 kgCO2e/公噸,表明若A縣採行優化模式進行垃圾轉運亦可減少碳排放。另比較焚化廠設置及運轉費用,A縣若自行設置焚化廠以處理縣內廢棄物於未來 20 年可較現行之轉運及代處理費用節省 22 億元,顯示A縣自行設置焚化廠具經濟效益。;Due to the lack of a large-scale municipal waste incinerator, County A has to transport its municipal waste into 6 municipal waste incinerators located in other cities for treatment. In this study, the software CPLEX is applied to design the optimal routes of transporting the municipal solid waste generated by County A by considering the cost of transport and the available capacity of six incinerators involved. and the cost will then be compared with the actual cost to assess the cost-effectiveness of building an incinerator and design the route of transport for the treatment of municipal solid wastes generated in County A. The results indicate that the cost can be reduced by 8 to 10 million NTD per year with the optimization if compared with the current cost. The CO2 emissions of transporting municipal wastes to 6 incinerators are calculated as 28.78 and 25.40 kgCO2e/ton, respectively, based on actual transport scenario and optimization mode. Moreover, building and operating an incinerator by County A itself can save as much as 2.2 billion NTD over the next 20 years if compared with the current transport mode.