在無線網路環境的蓬勃發展中,電腦設備已走向無線裝置的設備,而在這樣 的環境之下,目前中小學的電腦資訊教育仍然依舊使用傳統的方式,利用一間教 室的空間擺滿許多的電腦設備。作者則是利用無線網路的環境,將電腦教室環境 改建為行動電腦教室,在這個環境之中,作者透過無線網路的環境與使用無線網 路的裝置來達到傳統電腦教室的功能,而在建置的過程中,發現傳統電腦教室中 普遍使用的教學廣播系統將無法順利的整合到行動電腦教室之中,所以作者設計 了一套可以使用在無線網路環境的有限頻寬之下的即時廣播教學軟體,增加老師 與學生之間的互動,以達成將行動電腦教室取代傳統電腦教室的所有設施。 Due to the development of the wireless technology, the traditional computer equipment evolves into the wireless equipment. But the information education of the secondary and elementary school still follows the traditional way by using a classroom equipped with lots of the computers. So we propose the concept of the wireless technology supported computer laboratory in place of the traditional computer classroom . During constructing our system, we found some problems about integrating the teaching broadcast system used in the traditional classroom with those used in the wireless technology supported computer laboratory. The solution is that we design an application of real-time broadcast teaching in limited bandwidth via the wireless equipment. The advantages of this application are to improve the interaction between the teacher and the students and to replace all equipment used in the traditional classroom.